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Arden by G D Harper #Review

  We start 2025 by visiting the sixteenth century and meeting two remarkable people from the time, one of whom happens to be William Shakespeare. Arden by G D Harper was published on October 1st by Ginger Cat .   The astonishing untold story of Shakespeare's first play Alice Arden, idealistic and wealthy beauty, burnt at the stake for killing her husband, the former mayor of Faversham in Kent. But was she really the one responsible for the most scandalous murder of the sixteenth century? William Shakespeare, England’s greatest playwright, born thirteen years after Alice’s execution. Why does his first-ever play, written about this murder, not bear his name? This is a story of two people – one reviled, one revered – whose fates become linked in a tale of corruption, collusion and conspiracy. Based on historical documents and recently published academic research, Arden unveils shocking new evidence about the murder of Thomas Arden and reveals, for the first time...

The Cornish Key to Happiness by Laura Briggs #ALittleHotelinCornwallBook8


On Publication Day,  I am delighted to take part in the celebrations for the final instalment of Laura Briggs' A Little Hotel in Cornwall series: The Cornish Key to Happiness 

Past secrets return to complicate Maisie’s future with the charming Sidney Daniels in the final installment of the Cornish romance series.

Picking up where book seven left off, Maisie’s plans to celebrate her book’s thrilling news remain on hold after Sidney has vanished from Port Hewer overnight, following a brush with his secret past. His departure leaves Maisie with a head full of questions and a heart torn in two, made even worse by the rumors flying about him through the town. Where and why has he gone? Will he ever come back again? And—foremost in Maisie’s mind—was the heartache from his younger days somehow to blame for his sudden and mysterious flight?

But when Dean convinces her that Sidney may be facing a choice that could ruin his life, Maisie must set out to find him, once again leaving behind the Cornish seaside haven of Port Hewer she’s come to think of as home, and leaving behind the answer to a secret she’s been longing to know since the beginning. Not knowing when or if she’ll return, she’s taking the biggest risk with her heart so far...and the truth she discovers waiting for her at the end of her journey will make her wonder if things can ever possibly be the same as they were before.

Questions are answered, secrets are spilled, and the biggest reveal of the series is finally unveiled as A LITTLE HOTEL IN CORNWALL reaches its exciting conclusion.

My Thoughts

 This book marks the final part of the series and as such, there were revelations and surprises. It was good to have one's suspicions confirmed but no spoilers here as to what they may be. You also get to travel away from Cornwall again and meet a whole new range of characters. With her writer's eye, Maisie sums them up for us and as always, does not take fools lightly. 

    The pace never lets up to the end and it certainly ends with a bang. It is interesting to see Maisie and Sidney outside Cornwall and to see them in a completely different context. As a final episode, the story is totally satisfactory although you get the feeling that if the author wanted, she could set Maisie off on another journey. Who knows?  

In short: Journey's end

About the Author

Laura Briggs is the author of several feel-good romance reads, including the Top 100 Amazon UK seller 'A Wedding in Cornwall'. She has a fondness for vintage style dresses (especially ones with polka dots), and reads everything from Jane Austen to modern day mysteries. When she's not writing, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, caring for her pets, gardening, and seeing the occasional movie or play.


You can follow Laura here: Facebook   |  Twitter 

Book links Amazon UK 

Thanks to Laura Briggs and Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources 
for a copy of the book and a place on the tour. 



