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The Case of the Christie Conspiracy by Kelly Oliver #Review #TheDetectionClubBook1

    Today we have the first in a new historical cozy crime series, The Detection Club. The Case of the Christie Conspiracy by Kelly Oliver   is published today by Boldwood Books .   Agatha Christie is about to embark on a new, gripping murder case. But this time, she’s not the author – she’s a suspect… 1926 – Christie is a darling of the literary circuit and the most desired guest in London’s glittering social scene. She can often be found at meetings of the Detection Club – where mystery writers come together to share ideas, swap secrets and drink copiously. But then a fellow author's initiation ceremony takes a gruesome turn, and one of the group ends up dead. Now, Agatha is no longer just the creator of great mystery plots – she’s a player in one. And when Agatha disappears the day after the murder, she’s widely assumed to be guilty. Only Eliza Baker, assistant to the Club’s enigmatic secretary, Dorothy Sayers, is interested in investigating the case. But i...

Meet the Author- Katie Ginger

I am so happy to be welcoming author Katie Ginger to Books, Life and Everything today. Katie's latest novel, The Little Theatre on the Seafront was published by HQ Digital on September 1st 2018. You may remember I was lucky enough to be part of the blog tour to celebrate its publication and you can read my review here.

Hi Katie!

Would you like to start by telling us a little about yourself and how you started as a writer? 

A bit about me? Well, I've got two kids and a dog who take up most of my time and then there's hubby to keep organised too! Life gets pretty full on sometimes but I'm very lucky to have supportive friends and family around me. The only other thing to know about me is that I like gin. A lot!

As far as writing goes, I used to love writing stories when I was little but then I got a bit older, went to uni, did my Masters and by the time I was working full time, I'd convinced myself I couldn't write creatively anymore. Then, in 2014 I got made redundant from my job in the Heritage industry and it gave me an amazing opportunity. As a manager, I'd spent so much time tackling day-to-day problems that I wanted to try thinking differently and using that creative part of my brain again. So I decided to use some of my redundancy money to take a creative writing course.

It was one of the best things I've ever done. I learned so much and found that I was finally feeling really fulfilled! I began writing The Little Theatre and after having some success in getting some short stories published, I decided to try and get a publishing deal. I got some rejections of course, but it's important to take the feedback and just keep trying. I know I've been very lucky though!
If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?

I think I'd still be working in the Heritage Industry. It's one of the areas I'm still very passionate about. I've been lucky enough to work in museums and at Dover Castle and it's such an amazing feeling to walk into a place like that every day!

What are you interests apart from writing?

When I'm not writing I'm usually running around after the kids! In my downtime I love to read or workout. I'm a fan of a good sweatsesh and as I'm not naturally slim (and love my food!) it helps with being sat at a desk all day!

What is your favorite childhood book?

Without a doubt it's Winnie the Pooh and the House at Pooh Corner! Winnie the Pooh is my favourite bear of all time and I love A A Milne's writing. My husband actually got me a copy of this book for a birthday present when my childhood copy fell apart!

How do you plan to spend publication day?

Luckily, it's on a Saturday so, here's the plan ...

The night before, the kids are staying at their granny and grandpa's so me and hubby are going out for a drink. (There will be gin-based cocktails!)

Then on Saturday I'm hoping I'll get breakfast in bed before the kids come home, then we'll spend the day together. I've got a special bottle of Champagne to open (we were given it by my sister-in-law and her husband on their wedding day in May) and there'll be a takeaway for dinner so I don't have to cook!

If hubby supplies any of the following I may keep him for another year:





More Champagne

More cake

I know it's not that exciting, but to me, not having to cook will be a big treat!

Can you give any hints about any upcoming books you have planned? 

Ooo! I'm so excited about this! My next book is out in 2019 and I can't wait for you guys to read it. I loved writing this one and completely fell in love with the characters. They're the type of friends every girl should have! And, the other reason I'm so excited it that this one is set at Christmas, my favourite time of the year. I really hope you guys will like it too!

Thank you for giving us an insight into your life and good luck with The Little Theatre on the Seafront!

Book Spotlight

When Lottie’s Gran dies she leaves one last request; save Greenley Theatre.

Faced with a decaying building, a mayor who most definitely isn’t on board with the project and a group of actors who just can’t get along, Lottie has her hands full, but with best friend Sid by her side she knows she can do it somehow.

But the arrival of Jeremy, a hotshot London developer who sweeps Lottie off her feet, complicates things. Suddenly Sid gets a new girlfriend, the Greenley Players fall apart, and that crumbling building? Well it crumbles a whole lot more. 

With no one to turn to, Lottie has to find the courage to save the day.

Book link: Amazon UK 

About the Author

KATIE GINGER lives in the South East of England, by the sea, and apart from holidays to very hot places where you can sit by a pool and drink cocktails as big your head, she wouldn't really want to be anywhere else. This is Katie's debut novel but she is also the author of some cosy mystery short stories. She loves making her characters either fall in love, or killing them off - it depends on her mood!

When she's not writing, Katie spends her time drinking gin, or with her husband, trying to keep alive her two children: Ellie, who believes everything in life should be done as a musical number from a West End show; and Sam, who is basically a monkey with a boy's face. And there's also their adorable King Charles Spaniel, Wotsit (yes, he is named after the crisps!).

For more about Katie you can visit her website:, find her on Facebook:, or follow her on Twitter: @KatieGAuthor
