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Showing posts from September, 2019


The Plot Twist by Victoria Walters #Review

  All romance readers will enjoy the latest romcom by Victoria Walters . The Plot Twist was published by Boldwood Books on June 19th.   One new boss, one ex-boyfriend, one big dilemma… Stevie Phillips has just landed her dream job working for a publishing company and it seems like this is page one of her new, improved life. But her first day throws more curveballs than she thinks she can handle: there’s been a takeover and the whole publicity team has been fired. And her new boss is the last face she expected to see. Because Noah Anderson also happens to be her ex-boyfriend. Thrown together on a campaign for a book the rest of the staff don’t want to touch with a barge-pole, Stevie resolves to make the best of a bad situation. This is her chance to prove herself, and she’s not going to let the man who broke her heart ruin it for her. When Noah starts hinting that there was more to their break up then him just not loving her, Stevie’s resolution starts to wobble. Getting ba

Bonfires and Hot Chocolate at the Little Duck Pond Cafe by Rosie Green #Review

Magnificent Women and their Revolutionary Machines by Henrietta Heald #Extract #Giveaway