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The Bookseller by Valerie Keogh #Review

  Today I am featurung the latest psychological thriller by Valerie Keogh . The Bookseller was published by Boldwood Books on March 3rd. A woman with a dark past... Helen Appleby just wants a quiet life. Recently released from prison for the manslaughter of her partner, she's trying to forget her past mistakes – all of them - to rebuild her life and move on. When she decides to open a bookshop, she’s certain this is the perfect new start. Here, amongst the quiet shelves of her shop and between the covers of her books, she can hide away from the real world and begin again. The world of books the perfect place to find happiness - even if it is all lies. But the past can never stay hidden… As she settles into life as an apparently timid bookseller, it seems that someone is determined to sabotage Helen's new life and ruin everything she's built. But Helen has killed once before. And to protect her future, she could be willing to kill again... Don't miss anot...

A Spring Surprise for the Cornish Midwife by Jo Bartlett #Review

 How lovely to start the new year with a visit back to Cornwall for the fourth in Jo Bartlett's great series, with A Spring Surprise for the Cornish Midwife. It was publioshed by Boldwood Books on January 4th 2022. 

 Brand new from the top 10 bestselling author of The Cornish Midwife.

Midwife Jess knows she’ll never have a baby of her own, but she’s determined to still be a mum. So Jess decides to foster, providing love and support for children who desperately need it – something Jess never had as a child when she was in foster care.

Jess loves caring for the precious babies who come into her life, but letting them go again breaks her heart every time - can she really be a mum after all?

But then Jess finds a surprise on her doorstep – a newborn baby! As the search for the missing mum begins, Jess cares for the precious babe day and night. She desperately wants to reunite mum and baby, but knows that when the day comes, her own heart will shatter.

 My Thoughts

The real stars of this series are the team of midwives who are ai its centre. It is great to be able to catch up with the ones we have met earlier in the series and to guess whose turn it will be next to be centre stage. Jess is a wonderful character with a complicated childhood and a real drive to make life better for young people who     have had a poor start in life. I was surprised at how the story went but she always managed to work through what life was throwing her and to reason her way out of things. She has some serious choices to make, not all of which will lead to her total happiness but her desire to be a mother is a driving force which just seems to get stronger.

    What constitutes a family and how people can meet the challenges life throws at them are major themes in the story. Is it possible to forgive and to move on? Dexter is also a believable character who has so many good qualities that Jess can hardly believe he can exist! Whether they can work through her vulnerabilities where relationships are concerned remains to be seen. With a stunning setting, sense of community and a whole cast of characters, this is a great series and I can't wait for number 5!

In short: New starts and old memories

About the Author

Jo Bartlett is the bestselling author of nineteen women’s fiction titles. She fits her writing in between her two day jobs as an educational consultant and university lecturer and lives with her family and three dogs on the Kent coast. Boldwood published the first title in The Cornish Midwife Series - part of a twelve-book deal – in April 2021.

You can read my reviews of earlier books in the series here: The Cornish Midwife  |  A Summer wedding for the Cornish Midwife   |  A Winter's Wish for the Corrnish Midwife

 You can follow Jo here: Facebook  |  Twitter   |  Instagram   |  Newsletter sign up  |  Bookbub profile 

Book link: Amazon UK

Thanks to Jo Barlett, Boldwood Books and Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources for a copy of the book and a place on the tour. 


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