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Sword of Bone by Anthony Rhodes #Extract #ImperialWarMuseum #WartimeClassics
Today I am delighted to feature another in the recently released Imperial War Museum Wartime Classics Series: Sword of Bone by Anthony Rhodes, in the form of an extract from the Second World War novel. This has been published to coincide with the 81st anniversary of the evacuation of Dunkirk.
First published in 1942, Sword of Bone is a lightly fictionalised memoir based on Anthony Rhodes’own experiences during the Second World War –firstly during the so-called ‘Phoney War’ from 1939 –40, followed by the terror of the evacuation of Dunkirk. Shortly after war was declared, he was sent to France serving with the British Army where his days were filled with billeting, friendships and administration –the minutiae of Army life. Apart from a visit to the Maginot Line, the conflict seems a distant prospect. It is only in the Spring of 1940 that the true situation becomes clear–the Belgian, British armies and some French divisions are ‘now crowded into a small pocket in the North of France’. The men are ordered to retreat to the coast and the beaches of Dunkirk where they face a desperate and frightening wait for evacuation.
The ‘miracle’ of Dunkirk was a brilliantly improvised naval operation that extracted more than 338,000 men from the Dunkirk beaches and brought them safely back to England. Some 850 vessels, including channel steamers and fishing boats, took part in this, Operation ‘Dynamo’. The final pages of the novel outline Rhodes’ experiences of the chaos of the evacuation where the scenes are depicted in vivid and terrifying detail.
From the Introduction
On 9 April 1940 Hitler’s armed forces invaded and quickly overwhelmed Denmark, which surrendered within the day. At the same time neutral Norway was attacked. Despite intense British naval actions in the North Sea, and Anglo-French attempts to land troops, by May Norway was largely lost. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain came under sustained criticism for the Norway failings. Possession of Norway not only gave Germany access to much needed iron ore, it provided new airbases with which the Luftwaffe could threaten Britain.
Worse was to come. On 10 May, Germany launched its westward invasions of the Netherlands, Belgium and France. On the same day, Chamberlain, unable to retain the support of the House of Commons, resigned and Winston Churchill assumed the prime ministership. Within days, it became clear that the fighting on the Continent would be no repeat of the trench warfare of the First World War. By 20 May 1940, German troops had reached the Channel coast, cutting the Allied forces in two. Plans were hastily made to withdraw the British Expeditionary Force. As Rhodes puts it, ‘Today we were, one felt, simply competitors in a sporting race to the west. Like greyhounds released as the word for the retreat was given, there was a mad surge for the only two main roads leading to Brussels.’
The latter chapters of the book detail this retreat, culminating in Rhodes’ experiences at Dunkirk. By 24 May, things ‘were hourly becoming what the French insisted on telling everyone they were not – catastrophic’. The Belgian, British armies and some French divisions were now ‘crowded into a small pocket in the north of France’.
On 27 May, the colonel returns from a conference with the general to announce that a mass evacuation will take place: ‘We are going to attempt something essentially British; I venture to say that only the British would dare to attempt such a hare-brained scheme. Let us only hope that it will be as successful as it was last practised – by Sir John Moore at Corunna.’
The ‘miracle of Dunkirk’ from 27 May to 4 June was a brilliantly improvised naval operation that extracted more than 338,000 men – 118,000 of whom were French – from the Dunkirk beaches and brought them safely back to England. Some 850 vessels, including channel steamers and fishing boats, took part in this, Operation ‘Dynamo’. Rhodes’ text depicts both the approach to Dunkirk (‘the Grand Queue’) and the evacuation from the beaches itself. He anticipates the evacuation to be a simple and orderly affair, but this is not quite borne out by events:
I asked them how successfully the evacuation had gone on the previous day.
‘The British ships came in to the docks but they got bombed to hell,’ one of them replied. ‘They all had to go out and wait till dark. I shouldn’t think they’ll come in at all today.’
This was a nasty shock to those of us who had hoped to get a bath and breakfast in the town and catch a boat after it at about ten o’clock. I mentioned this to the Frenchman.
‘Breakfast,’ he guffawed. ‘You make me laugh. Do you really think that there are any hoteliers or tradespeople left in the town? Listen to me,’ he said confidentially. ‘I have just come from near Boulogne. The Germans are there. This port, Dunkirk, is the only one left in British hands, the only one from which your army can get away, do you see? Do you think the Boche is going to leave it alone? Believe me, he isn’t. He’s going to blast it into a ruin. And don't these people know it?’ He pointed at the long line of civilians passing us on the road; they were coming away from Dunkirk. We had become so accustomed to refugees that no-one had given a thought to the direction in which they were going.
Sword of Bone by Anthony Rhodes is published by IWM and
can be pre-ordered here:www.iwmshop.org.uk/pg/114/IWM-Wartime-Classics at the
online IWM shop.
About the Author
AnthonyRhodes (1916 –2004) served with the British Army in France during the so-called ‘PhoneyWar’ and was evacuated from Dunkirk in May 1940. In the latter part of the war he was sent to Canada as a camouflage officer and was invalided out of the Army in 1947 having served for 12 years. After the conflict he enjoyed a long academic and literary career and wrote on various subjects, including the 1956 Hungarian Revolution for the Daily Telegraph and well-regarded histories of the Vatican.
In September 2019, to coincide with the 80th Anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War, the IWM published the first four titles in a fiction series - the Imperial War Museum Wartime Classics. Pathfinders is the next in the series which now amounts to ten.
Thanks to IWM and Anne Cater of Random Things Tours for the extract and a place on the tour.
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