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Son by Thomas Enger and Johanna Gustawsson #Extract #Giveaway #PublicationDay #KariVossMysteries

Today I am delighted to feature a novel by two of the greats of crime writing. Thomas Emger and Johanna Gustawsson's novel, Son , is published today by Orenda Books, on March 27th. This is the first in their new series, The Kari Voss Mysteries. I have an extract for you to sample and the chance to win a print copy. Details on how to enter are at the foot of this post.     Everyone here is lyingā€¦   Expert on body language and memory, and consultant to the Oslo Police, psychologist Kari Voss sleepwalks through her days, and, by night, continues the devastating search for her young son, who disappeared on his birthday, seven years earlier.   Still grieving for her dead husband, and trying to pull together the pieces of her life, she is thrust into a shocking local investigation, when two teenage girls are violently murdered in a family summer home in the nearby village of Son.   When a friend of the victims is charged with the barbaric killings, it...

A Summer of Second Chances by Carol Thomas #Review


I have got a heartwarming romance for you today with A Summer of Second Chances by Carol Thomas. It was published by Choc Lit on April 27th.

 Does first love deserve a second chance?

Ava Flynn sometimes feels like the clothes donated to her charity shop have seen more life than her, but ā€˜maximum dedication for a minimal wageā€™ is what it takes to keep her motherā€™s beloved wildlife charity, All Critters Great and Small, running ā€“ especially in the village of Dapplebury, where business is certainly not booming.

But when Avaā€™s first love, Henry Bramlington, returns to the village, suddenly life becomes a little too eventful. Henry escaped Dapplebury many years before, but now he has the power to make or break the village he left behind ā€“ All Critters Great and Small included. Can Ava trust the boy who ran away to give both her and her charity a second chance?

 My Thoughts

Coming from the Choc Lit stable, I was expecting A Summer of Second Chances to have a gorgeous male character and I wasn't disappointed. You get to follow the story through the twin perspectives of Ava and Henry. The author has created a lovely community in Dapplebury and there was a good balance of humour and romance. Much of the humour comes from the four- legged friends we get to meet and they added to the warmth of the story.

    Whether Ava and Henry are able to tell each other how they feel, I will leave to you to guess but there are on or two surprises from the past which they have to deal with. All the characters seem warm and approachable- well nearly all- and a loyal support to Ava. Ava has to find her feet in her new life after her mother's death and work out a place for her in her mother's charity which she is desperate to honour. Henry too is working out what his future role in the village is going to be. They have to find their own way through others' expectations. This is a gentle and uplifting romance which will make you smile and really root for all the characters.

In short: Is there a second chance for everyone?

About the Author

Carol Thomas lives on the south coast of England with her husband, four children and lively Labrador. She has been a primary school teacher for over twenty years and has a passion for reading, writing and people watching. When she is not in school, chasing after her children, or stopping her dog from eating things he shouldnā€™t, she can be found loitering in cafes drinking too much tea and working on her next book.


You can follow Carol here: Website |  Facebook  |  Twitter 
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Book links: Amazon UK   |  Amazon US  

Thanks to Carol Thomas, Choc Lit and Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources for a copy of the book and a place on the tour.

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  1. Thank you for joining my blog tour and for the lovely review. I am so pleased you enjoyed A Summer of Second Chances. xx


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