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Wish You Weren't Here by Portia Macintosh #Review

  I am delighted to feature a laugh outloud romcom by Portia Macintosh . Wish You Weren't Here was published on January 8th by Boldwood Books .   Don’t get mad, get Ethan! Lana has had enough. Her ‘perfect’ sister is getting married. In Australia. On Lana’s 30th birthday and no one seems to have noticed. To make matters worse, she’s been given a list of rules she must follow so she doesn’t upstage the bride. Well, rules are meant to be bent right? She’s found a killer dress, now she just needs the most inappropriate wedding date she can find. But where to start? All her attempts at online dating are simply disasters, and not in the right way! Too boring/married/easily intimidated! But then her drop dead gorgeous ex Ethan suddenly reappears in her life. With the power to make her dizzy with excitement she reminds herself why they broke up. Together they literally attracted chaos until their relationship imploded. They couldn’t make it work. But could Lana make this work ...

October 2017 and still here!

Well it's now two years since I started this blog so I thought I really should update About Me, just so you know I'm still around! 

The blog has changed quite  a lot since I started it, I'd say. Mainly, I'm featuring lots of new and contemporary books of all genres. I've discovered the joys of Blog Tours and this has squeezed out some of my other reading. I just need to try to get the balance back and I'll be happy.

It's been great to get to know people in the blogging world- virtually- and I'm still thrilled that I've been able to have guest posts from authors. I've found independent publishers who are so inspiring- especially the wonderful Orenda Books which is my favourite.

If you're an author reading this, do get in touch. If I haven't got time to read your book, I'm always happy to feature you on Meet the Author.  The same goes for anyone with any links to the publishing world. It would be fantastic to let readers in on your working life.

I also have a blog about Children's Books which you can find over at  Cat and Mouse Reading...

 Children's authors- do get in touch at

You can find me at Twitter      - @bookslifethings
                                Instagram - bookslifeandeverything

All for now and happy reading!

One last thing- I've always blogged as Marianne but my real name is Pam so you will see that from now on. 

26th May 2019.
