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The Plot Twist by Victoria Walters #Review

  All romance readers will enjoy the latest romcom by Victoria Walters . The Plot Twist was published by Boldwood Books on June 19th.   One new boss, one ex-boyfriend, one big dilemma… Stevie Phillips has just landed her dream job working for a publishing company and it seems like this is page one of her new, improved life. But her first day throws more curveballs than she thinks she can handle: there’s been a takeover and the whole publicity team has been fired. And her new boss is the last face she expected to see. Because Noah Anderson also happens to be her ex-boyfriend. Thrown together on a campaign for a book the rest of the staff don’t want to touch with a barge-pole, Stevie resolves to make the best of a bad situation. This is her chance to prove herself, and she’s not going to let the man who broke her heart ruin it for her. When Noah starts hinting that there was more to their break up then him just not loving her, Stevie’s resolution starts to wobble. Getting ba

Under Your Spell by Laura Wood #Review #PublicationDay


Happy Publication Day to Laura Wood and her gorgeous romcom, Under Your Spell!

She only wants three things. He isn't one of them...

Dumped by her cheating ex, fired from her dream job, about to lose her flat: Clementine Monroe is not having a good day. So when her sisters get her drunk and suggest reviving a childhood ritual called the breakup spell, she doesn’t see the harm in it. 

But now Clemmie has accidentally ruined a funeral, had her first one-night stand, and she’s stuck with a new job she definitely doesn’t want - spending six weeks alone with the gorgeous and very-off-limits rock star, Theo Eliott. 

He’s the most famous man on the planet. Her life’s a disaster. When it comes to love, Clemmie is learning you should be careful what you wish for...

Praise for Under Your Spell

‘I loved this so much… like Taylor Jenkins Reid combined with pure Emily Henry romance joy. I have loved Laura Wood’s books for years but this is my favourite of all her books. Go buy!’ - Ella Risbridger

'Under Your Spell cast a spell on me! This is a note-perfect romcom featuring a heroine to root for, a hero to swoon over and a sexy, tender and funny story that I never wanted to end. Fans of Emily Henry and Mhairi McFarlane will adore Under Your Spell and I can't wait for whatever Laura Wood writes next' – Sarra Manning

‘An absolutely pitch perfect rom-com, a book so filled with joy and with love that I grin like an idiot when I think about it. It’s a book so enamoured with romance as a genre, one that understands Under Your Spell precisely what you want from it and then delivers it on every page. Proper, proper magic.’ – Kate Young

My Thoughts

I think I can confidently say that this is my favourite romcom of the year, so far! It has a stellar cast of characters who all have their own individuality and sense of person. Clementine and her sisters have a strong bond and I loved the way they all close ranks around each other. All totally different in personality, they form a tight and I would imagine, formidable group. They provide witty dialogue and an understanding of Clementine. You can imagine her through their eyes.

    Then there is Theo who has everything you can hope for in a male character. Sensitive, impulsive at times, he is a great contrast to Ripp, Clementine's father who has always been totally self-obsessed it seems. Family relationships are important in both Clementine and Theo's life and give them both depth. Funnily enough I think the character I most enjoyed reading about doesn't actually appear in person- David, Theo's PA. I loved his instructions on how to look after Theo- and Theo's reaction to them! If you only read one romcom this year, make sure it is this one! It has it all- character development, wit and so much romance!

In short: Prepare to swoon!

About the Author

Laura Wood is a bestselling and acclaimed author of mostly children's and young adult novels. Under Your Spell is her first adult novel. With a PhD in
19th-century literature, Laura lives in Warwickshire, England, with her husband, and their dog, Bea. Find out more at


 You can follow Laura here: Website  |  X (Twitter)  |  Instagram  |  Pinterest

Thanks to Laura Wood, Simon & Schuster and Anne Cater of Random Things Tours for a copy of the book and a place  on the tour.

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