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#SkelfSummer The Opposite of Lonely by Doug Johnstone #Review #Repost

  I am delighted to take part in the #SkelfSummer celebrations showcasing all things Skelf in the run up to the publication of Book 6 in the series, Living is a Problem . Over the next few weeks I will be reminding you about the series by Doug Johnstone with a repost of Skelf novels.  Book 5  in the series is called The Opposite of Lonely .   Even death needs company… The Skelf women are recovering from the cataclysmic events that nearly claimed their lives. Their funeral-director and private-investigation businesses are back on track, and their cases are as perplexing as ever. Matriarch Dorothy looks into a suspicious fire at an illegal campsite and takes a grieving, homeless man under her wing. Daughter Jenny is searching for her missing sister-in-law, who disappeared in tragic circumstances, while grand-daughter Hannah is asked to investigate increasingly dangerous conspiracy theorists, who are targeting a retired female astronaut … putting her own life at risk. With a


Over the last year, I’ve become quite interested in the area of Youtube  known as ‘Booktube’. There are so many different people on there with interesting and thought provoking things to say about books and writing. I thought I’d highlight my favourite three.

11.  Jen Campbell found here: 

    Jen is a published author and poet who has lots of experience of working in the book trade. Her published work includes the  'Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops' series, 'The Bookshop Book' and 'The Hungry Ghost Festival'. I enjoy the range of Jen's vlogs. and she has introduced me to lots of new books and writers. Recently, Jen has started making some podcasts where she discusses bookish / writing things with literary folk and published authors. I am really looking forward to an upcoming series of vlogs on Fairy Tales which I know is a special interest of hers.

2. Reading Bukowski found here:

    Claire is at present studying Literature and has lots of perceptive things to say about the books she is reading. She also does some fantastic and evocative 'snapshot' vlogs which really capture the seasons and places she visits. She has promised more vlogs on her dissertation on Virginia Woolf which I am eagerly waiting for! 

3. Books and Things found here:

    Katie works in publishing and is a voracious reader and writer. She talks about contemporary and classic literature but her absolute first love is the Victorian era, especially Charles Dickens. Her celebratory weeks devoted to Jane Austen and most recently, the Brontës have been fantastic viewing. In May, Katie is hosting a 'Victorian style' Readalong of Our Mutual Friend, progressing through the book at the rate that it was published (1864-5). It is a great opportunity to experience reading the book as the Victorians would have done. Scheduled to last from May 2016 until November 2017, I hope that I can stay the course. Katie explains more about the Readalong here:   

Meanwhile, back to reading...
